
Jennifer Loeffler

My Scentsy story began on June 15, 2009 after calling my girlfriend Angela in GA , (I'm in NC) about mattress recommendations of all things!. Angela asked if I'd heard of Scentsy, but being on the East Coast I had not.  She explained it's a new candle company, and my thoughts were"oh boy- another one of those."  Then she explained how the wax melts instead of burns and it's safe to use around children.  She also told me that it was selling like hotcakes there, in fact a friend she rodeos with sells them out of the back of her truck while waiting on her daughter to ride!  Hmmm...Selling candles out of the back of your truck at the rodeo? After that I just had to check it out!

Wow, was I in for a surprise!  I took a look and fell in love with the warmers, they offered over 80 fragrances and best of all it's SAFE TO USE AROUND CHILDREN.